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Monday, September 15, 2008

Resumen de Second Language Variation on Ser and Estar

Por Dorian Dorado, para la Tertulia del 25 de septiembre del 2008

The main purpose of my study is to investigate the effects of type and quantity of Spanish input that second language learners are exposed to (e.g., input received from native Spanish speakers within a Spanish/ English community versus input from formal instruction) as demonstrated in their usage of ser and estar. The uniqueness of this study lies in part that very little previous work has examined advanced second language learners with respect to their copula choice. At the same time, the innovative methodological approach I am taking, namely using a children's picture book to elicit naturalistic data which can be analyzed in terms of a variety of independent variables(extra-linguistic factors such as age, formal instruction, gender, exposure to Spanish media, social network, and experience abroad) will allow me to investigate the nature of L2 copula choice among advanced second language learners from a perspective that few have taken previously.

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